Monday, November 28, 2011

Help!I know it sounds weird but how can I convince my parents let me travel on my own?

Help!I know it sounds weird but how can I convince my parents let me travel on my own?
The funny part is I'm 21 years old,I study medicine abroad,away from my family and home since I was 17.However,my parents still think that they should treat me as if I were 15..The thing is I'm from Greece and I want to start traveling on my own,beginning from Istambul.I have been traveling with my dad since I was 12 in conference-trips in places like Brazil,Indonesia,South Africa,etc. Anybody would ask why do I need my parents' approval to go since I already have the money to make this trip but the thing is that they will immediately say no in the moment I will tell them and their biggest argument as always is gonna be financial blackmail(eg/ "if u want to do things that we disapprove,maybe we should stop paying for your studies,for the house u live in,etc")How should I convince them to "let" me go?I just don't want drama and argues...
Other - Destinations - 4 Answers
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1 :
If your 21 then it's just a case of however you feel it will go down best and what you want the outcome to be. You can either tell them straight that your going and they'll have to learn to accept it, or you can live with their decision and stay at home so as not to bother them and keep financial aid. Nobody on here is going to be able to tell you how to convince your parents. You need to just think about it, and make your mind up about what you want to do.
2 :
It's a Greek thing, I have found they are very controlling, my daughter married one I would advise tho to stay away from the arab countries as they are not the safest area's around How about Asia or Australia-NZ? Singapore is a beautiful country
3 :
Well . I would say become financially independent. Once your school studies are done and you are no longer "bound" to your parents. Other option is let them know how you feel dont say things like you do this and you never let me etc. but start like I would like to .. I feel like .. etc.
4 :
hey, this happen all the time to me. My parents used to be the same. my solution is that i try to SHOW them that I'm a grown up, i could do everything on my own. Tell them if everybody could let their children go travel why can't your parents. This issues would take sometimes to get better. You should talk to your parents but try to prevent all the arguement.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Why do countries with strong economy and low religiousness have higher suicide rate than any other countries?

Why do countries with strong economy and low religiousness have higher suicide rate than any other countries?
I'm not making this up! Even the suicide rate in my country, Indonesia, is increasing, it still hasn't attract international attention and barely discussed on media because suicide is not our biggest issue. Indonesia's big cities have much higher suicide rate and recently there's a trend of committing suicide in shopping malls. It's ironic because big cities have stronger economies and most people claim money can make you happy (once again, I'm not making this up)! Can someone explain it to me? Check Wikipedia for suicide rate by countries if you're not convinced that I'm not making this up!
Religion & Spirituality - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You insist twice that you're "not making this up", yet you still didn't provide any sources. That's rather suspect. Regardless, even if this was a true correlation, it wouldn't necessarily follow that people would be happier if they were religious and/or more poor.
2 :
Stats or you're making it up. I'll give you one: Sweden. Reason, lack of sleep in the summer has a negative impact on mood.
3 :
It could be that people who have money are more capable of buying what they need to commit suicide more easily so that even if they have less motive to commit suicide they have more means to commit suicide.
4 :
Indonesia is extremely religious. You will need to point me to some statistics with give me rate of suicide per capita. I think you're going to have to convince me of it....I'm doubtful.
5 :
Indonesia has low "religiousness"? If you make that assertion, all your other assertions are suspect.
6 :
I think without religion many people feel empty, or like something is missing from their lives. My Dad was an atheist from a big city who committed suicide so I believe you have a point
7 :
More interesting is the fact that there is no real correlation between the degree of religious belief or the level of wealth and the suicide rates. Epidemiology of suicide
8 :
"and most people claim money can make you happy" of course not. my grandfather commited suicide....and he was one of the wealthiest people in the city. Certainly he was an unhappy person in general...but the actual reason for his suicide was some very unpleasant health conditions. He was christian, but he obviously didnt take christian ideas all that seriously...since they claim that suicide means hell. But im sure that if he was not christian, he wouldve commited suicide sooner...since in his note he did make an apology to God...
9 :
The grass is always greener on the other side. I would imaging being i a big city where you can see everyone else fake self pretending to be happy because the have all this money could lead one to feel that their live is less by comparison. The mind need a goal an objective. if their is nothing to overcome no obstacles to tackle then life start to loose some of its flavor. i cannot say why some one would kill them selves but people in your country sure seem to be trendy about.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Where is the best place to teach in English in Asia that is near decent surf?

Where is the best place to teach in English in Asia that is near decent surf?
Obviously, I'm sure the majority of people will say Indo, but we all know that Indonesia doesn't pay their teachers squat. So, I guess this question is relative. I'm trying to straddle the line of making money and being near surf. So far, I think the best bet is Taiwan, since they pay their teachers well and Taipei is only 20 miles from the beaches with surf. I believe Korea pays the best, but no surf in Seoul. It sounds like there might be some decent surf in the Hainan province of China, but I have no idea how much the Chinese pay their teachers.... any other ideas? Japan you will only break even because of the cost of living, and the water is cold....
Surfing - 2 Answers
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1 :
North Japan is epic, but cold and you can't handle it. China is home to no decent surf. Teach english in Indo
2 :
your wrong my friend, you can get a job at a private school in indo(bali) thats pays at least $600 austalian dollars a week, it's there mate just do some searching if you know what i mean

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Do creationists in the Tea Party believe the imminent extinction of 20% of plant species is a myth?

Do creationists in the Tea Party believe the imminent extinction of 20% of plant species is a myth?
The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew Gardens in England has just published a report stating that 20% of all plant species are endangered, and likely to become extinct in my lifetime. The main culprit is the ongoing destruction of the rainforests in order to create farmland, and the main driving force is the Free Market. Brazil has vowed to clear the Amazon in its drive to modernisation; President Suharto sold logging rights to all the virgin forests in Indonesia. It is only a matter of time before treaty agreements between corrupt regimes and China clears the great forests in Africa too. There is little left of the slow-growing Siberian forests closest to the Chinese border. One effect of clearing the forests is that there are no longer roots to bind the soil, which blows or washes away leaving it little use for farming after a few years. Since creationists believe that all species were created by God as they are now, do they also believe that they cannot just disappear because some businesses are making money converting wilderness to palm plantations to power their SUVs when the oil runs out? Does the Tea Party have the same disbelief in a mass extinction in this century in the same way they dismiss global warming? Creationists believe that the creation and extinction of the dinosaurs took place in the last 6000 years. Scientists hold that the dinosaurs were wiped out by a rogue asteroid colliding with Earth 65 million years ago. That was the last mass extinction event on the scale now prophesied by Kew. Recovering from this would quite likely see out human civilisation. And who bought the logs Suharto's associates cut down? Who owned these companies? Who is buying all those goods China is making? And if we have no influence over political events in foreign countries, why do we have ambassadors, and what are we doing in Afghanistan?
Politics - 5 Answers
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1 :
Plants and animals come and go all the time. Seen any dinosaurs lately? Did we cause their demise?
2 :
Teabaggers believe that God created man to use up all of the planet's resources in their lifespan, at which point he will rapture them to heaven having left a big f*cking mess that they will be forgiven for.
3 :
why stop at 20% why not all lol
4 :
Not only is this question an obvious troll, it belongs in a different section. "President Suharto sold logging rights to all the virgin forests in Indonesia. It is only a matter of time before treaty agreements between corrupt regimes and China clears the great forests in Africa too. " You are talking about other countries policies. It is impossible for us to control what they do. "Since creationists believe that all species were created by God as they are now, do they also believe that they cannot just disappear because some businesses are making money converting wilderness to palm plantations to power their SUVs when the oil runs out?" Painting with a broad brush today. Not all creationists believe the same thing. Not all Tea Party followers drive SUVs... BTW: Most creationists are taught that we are to take care of the planet. Massive deforestation projects are not considered proper care.
5 :
I hope they care about the environment. What people don't understand is that, yes, species come and go on their own. But we (humans) have sped that up far too quickly. Just turn on the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet, where they document polar bears over a 10 year span and see how quickly the ice really is melting. WE did that. It may have happened on its own eventually but it shouldn't be happening right now. People are just selfish and in denial. There's going to have to be a point where we change our behavior and even try to control the population. Hopefully whatever party is in Washington will understand this!